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Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Secret Alliance of the Assassins and the Knights Templar

The notion of a secret alliance between the Assassins and the Knights Templar is a topic often explored in popular culture, particularly in video games like Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series. However, historically, the relationship between the Assassins (Nizari Ismailis) and the Knights Templar (a Catholic military order) was far more complex and generally antagonistic rather than cooperative.

Historical Background

The Assassins (Nizari Ismailis)

Origin: The Assassins were a branch of the Ismaili sect of Shia Islam, founded in the late 11th century by Hassan-i Sabbah.

Tactics: They were known for their use of targeted killings of political and military leaders, which they carried out with great secrecy and precision.

Goal: Their primary objective was to protect their communities and political interests in a region dominated by larger Muslim and Christian powers.

The Knights Templar

Origin: The Knights Templar were established around 1119 during the Crusades, a series of religious wars initiated by the Latin Church in the medieval period.

Purpose: Their mission was to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land and to support the establishment of Christian states in the Levant.

Structure: They were a wealthy and powerful military order, recognized for their distinctive white mantles with a red cross.

The Relationship Between the Two Groups

Historically, the Assassins and the Knights Templar operated in overlapping regions during the time of the Crusades, particularly in the Levant. Their interactions were influenced by the broader conflict between the Christian Crusaders and Muslim rulers.

Conflict and Cooperation

Conflicts: The Assassins and the Templars often found themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. The Templars were part of the Christian forces fighting to control the Holy Land, while the Assassins were aligned with various Muslim rulers opposing the Crusaders.

Temporary Alliances: Despite their opposition, there were instances of temporary alliances and pragmatic cooperation. Both groups were politically astute and occasionally engaged in negotiations and truces to further their respective goals. For example, the Assassins sometimes cooperated with Crusader states when it suited their interests, such as during the reign of Saladin, where mutual enemies provided common ground for limited collaboration.

Popular Culture: The Assassin's Creed Narrative

The idea of a secret alliance between the Assassins and the Templars is heavily fictionalized and popularized by the Assassin's Creed franchise. In the game series:

Narrative: The Assassins and Templars are portrayed as two ancient and secretive organizations with a long history of conflict and occasional collaboration.

Philosophy: The Assassins value free will and individual freedom, while the Templars seek order and control, leading to an ideological clash.

Storyline: The games often depict a nuanced relationship where members from both factions sometimes collaborate against common threats or share common interests, despite their overarching conflict.


While the notion of a secret alliance between the Assassins and the Knights Templar is captivating and makes for engaging storytelling in modern media, it lacks substantial historical evidence. Their historical interactions were primarily shaped by the complex and shifting allegiances of the Crusades, characterized more by conflict and pragmatic truces than by any deep, covert partnership.

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