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Sunday, March 31, 2024

What is Vatican II?

The Second Vatican Council, commonly known as Vatican II, stands as one of the most significant events in the modern history of the Roman Catholic Church. Convened between 1962 and 1965 by Pope John XXIII and continued under Pope Paul VI, Vatican II sought to address the challenges of the modern world and renew the Church's approach to its mission and teachings. Its impact has been profound, shaping the Church's liturgy, ecumenical efforts, and engagement with contemporary society. This article explores the origins, objectives, key outcomes, and lasting influence of Vatican II.

The Origins of Vatican II

Vatican II was convened during a time of great social, political, and cultural change. The mid-20th century was marked by rapid technological advancements, decolonization, the aftermath of two world wars, and the growing influence of secularism. The Church faced challenges in maintaining its relevance in a world increasingly dominated by science, technology, and pluralistic societies.

Pope John XXIII, elected in 1958, shocked many when he announced his intention to convene an ecumenical council. At the time, such councils were rare—the previous one, the First Vatican Council, had been held almost a century earlier in 1869-1870. While Vatican I focused primarily on issues like papal infallibility, John XXIII envisioned Vatican II as an opportunity for "aggiornamento," or "bringing up to date." His vision was to renew the Church while staying faithful to its core traditions.

Objectives of Vatican II

The overarching aim of Vatican II was to engage the modern world in a more meaningful way. Specifically, the Council sought to:

  1. Renew the Church’s Liturgical Practices: Make worship more accessible and participatory for the laity.

  2. Promote Ecumenism: Foster unity among Christian denominations and improve relationships with other religions.

  3. Address Contemporary Issues: Respond to modern social, cultural, and political challenges.

  4. Reaffirm Core Doctrines: Articulate the Church’s teachings in ways that resonated with contemporary believers while remaining faithful to its traditions.

Structure and Sessions

Vatican II consisted of four sessions held annually from 1962 to 1965. Bishops, theologians, and other Church leaders from around the world gathered at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome to deliberate on various topics. Observers from other Christian denominations and non-Christian religions were also invited, reflecting the Council’s commitment to dialogue and inclusivity.

Key figures at the Council included theologians like Karl Rahner, Yves Congar, and Hans Küng, who significantly influenced the Council’s direction. While debates were often intense, the Council’s outcomes were marked by a spirit of collaboration and openness.

Major Documents of Vatican II

Vatican II produced 16 documents, divided into four constitutions, nine decrees, and three declarations. These texts addressed a wide range of issues and remain foundational for understanding the Council’s vision.

  1. The Four Constitutions:

    • Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy): This document reformed the liturgy to encourage active participation by the laity. It allowed the use of vernacular languages instead of Latin and emphasized the communal nature of worship.

    • Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church): Lumen Gentium redefined the Church as the "People of God," emphasizing the role of the laity and the universal call to holiness. It also affirmed the collegiality of bishops in governing the Church alongside the pope.

    • Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation): This document clarified the relationship between Scripture and Tradition, encouraging Catholics to engage more deeply with the Bible while affirming the Church’s role in interpreting it.

    • Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World): Addressing contemporary social and moral issues, Gaudium et Spes emphasized the Church’s responsibility to engage with the modern world and promote human dignity, justice, and peace.

  2. Notable Decrees:

    • Unitatis Redintegratio (Decree on Ecumenism): This decree emphasized the importance of Christian unity and encouraged dialogue with other Christian denominations.

    • Nostra Aetate (Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions): Nostra Aetate transformed the Church’s approach to non-Christian religions, particularly Judaism. It repudiated anti-Semitism and affirmed the shared spiritual heritage of Jews and Christians.

    • Dignitatis Humanae (Declaration on Religious Freedom): This declaration upheld the right to religious freedom, emphasizing that individuals must not be coerced in matters of faith.

Key Outcomes and Changes

The reforms of Vatican II brought significant changes to the Church, many of which remain visible today:

  1. Liturgical Reforms:

    • The use of vernacular languages in the Mass made worship more accessible and engaging for the faithful.

    • Laypeople were encouraged to participate actively in liturgical roles, such as lectors and Eucharistic ministers.

  2. Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue:

    • Vatican II fostered improved relations with Protestant, Orthodox, and other Christian communities.

    • The Council’s emphasis on interfaith dialogue paved the way for greater understanding and cooperation with non-Christian religions.

  3. Renewed Focus on the Laity:

    • The Council affirmed the vital role of laypeople in the Church’s mission, encouraging them to live out their faith in daily life and contribute to the Church’s work.

  4. Engagement with the Modern World:

    • Vatican II encouraged the Church to address contemporary social, political, and ethical issues, such as poverty, war, and human rights, through the lens of Catholic teaching.

Criticisms and Controversies

While Vatican II was widely hailed as a moment of renewal, it also faced criticism and resistance. Some traditionalist Catholics viewed the reforms as a break from tradition and expressed concerns about perceived liturgical and doctrinal compromises. Groups like the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) rejected the Council’s changes and continue to advocate for a return to pre-Vatican II practices.

Conversely, some progressive Catholics felt that Vatican II did not go far enough in addressing issues such as clerical celibacy, the role of women in the Church, and governance reforms. These debates highlight the ongoing tensions within the Church as it seeks to balance tradition and modernity.

Legacy and Continuing Influence

Vatican II remains a cornerstone of modern Catholicism. Its emphasis on renewal, dialogue, and engagement continues to shape the Church’s identity and mission. Key initiatives inspired by the Council include:

  • Liturgical Practices: The use of vernacular languages and active lay participation have become standard in Catholic worship.

  • Ecumenism: The Church has made significant strides in building relationships with other Christian denominations and religions.

  • Social Justice: Vatican II’s focus on human dignity and social issues has influenced Catholic social teaching and advocacy efforts worldwide.


Vatican II was a transformative moment in the history of the Catholic Church, reflecting a bold effort to engage with the modern world while remaining rooted in tradition. Its legacy continues to inspire debate, reflection, and action within the Church and beyond. By fostering renewal, dialogue, and a commitment to addressing contemporary challenges, Vatican II set the stage for a more dynamic and inclusive Catholicism in the 21st century.

Friday, March 29, 2024

What is Roman Catholicism according to Encyclopedia Britannica?

Roman Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity, with an estimated 1.3 billion followers worldwide. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, it has a rich history, complex doctrines, and a global presence that influences various aspects of life and culture. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Roman Catholicism encompasses a specific set of beliefs, practices, and institutions distinct from other branches of Christianity. This article explores the key elements of Roman Catholicism, including its beliefs, sacraments, structure, and global impact.

Historical Roots and Development

Roman Catholicism traces its origins to the early Christian communities established in the Roman Empire. According to tradition, the Apostle Peter, one of Jesus' closest followers, was the first bishop of Rome. This position laid the foundation for the idea that the bishop of Rome, or the Pope, is the spiritual leader of all Christians, holding a unique authority passed down in an unbroken line from Peter himself. The Roman Catholic Church believes in an apostolic succession, where this spiritual authority continues through generations of bishops.

Over the centuries, Roman Catholicism evolved, drawing on theological, cultural, and political developments. In 1054, the Great Schism divided Christianity into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Later, in the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation led to further division, with Protestantism branching off from Roman Catholicism. Despite these splits, Roman Catholicism retained a strong identity centered around the papacy, traditional teachings, and an emphasis on both faith and good works as paths to salvation.

Core Beliefs of Roman Catholicism

1. The Holy Trinity

Like most Christians, Roman Catholics believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the concept that God exists as three persons in one essence: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This belief underscores the unity of God in three distinct yet coequal persons.

2. Salvation

Roman Catholics believe that salvation is achieved through a combination of faith in Jesus Christ, participation in the sacraments, and adherence to moral teachings. Unlike some Christian denominations that emphasize “faith alone” for salvation, Catholic teaching holds that faith must be accompanied by good works, ethical behavior, and participation in the Church’s sacramental life.

3. The Sacraments

The Catholic Church practices seven sacraments, sacred rites that believers see as essential channels of divine grace. These sacraments include:

Baptism – A rite of initiation that cleanses original sin and welcomes a person into the Christian community.

Confirmation – Confirms and strengthens the faith received at baptism.

Eucharist (Communion) – The ritual commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper, where Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine.

Penance (Confession) – A sacrament of reconciliation in which Catholics confess sins to a priest and receive absolution.

Anointing of the Sick – Provides healing and comfort to those who are ill or nearing death.

Holy Orders – The ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops, dedicating them to serve the Church.

Matrimony (Marriage) – The union of a man and woman as a sacramental partnership blessed by the Church.

4. Mary and the Saints

Roman Catholicism holds a special veneration for Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the saints—holy men and women believed to be in heaven. Mary is regarded as the most exalted of saints, often referred to as the "Mother of God." Catholics believe that saints can intercede on their behalf, praying to them for guidance and support. This practice, however, is distinct from worship, which is reserved for God alone.

5. The Pope and Papal Infallibility

The Pope, also known as the Bishop of Rome, is considered the supreme earthly authority of the Catholic Church. According to the doctrine of papal infallibility, when the Pope speaks ex cathedra (from the chair of St. Peter) on matters of faith and morals, his teachings are considered free from error. This belief, clarified during the First Vatican Council in 1870, has only been used a few times in history but underscores the Pope’s unique role in maintaining doctrinal consistency.

The Structure of the Roman Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has a hierarchical structure led by the Pope and administered through various levels of clergy. The Pope is assisted by the College of Cardinals, who act as advisers and elect a new Pope when the position becomes vacant. Below the cardinals are bishops, each overseeing a diocese, or geographic area of churches. Priests serve under bishops, ministering to local congregations and administering most of the sacraments.

In addition to this formal hierarchy, the Catholic Church includes various religious orders, such as the Franciscans, Dominicans, and Jesuits. These orders are communities of men and women who take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and commit themselves to specific forms of service, such as education, missionary work, or care for the poor.

Roman Catholic Worship and Practices

1. The Mass

The central act of worship in the Catholic Church is the Mass, a ritual that includes readings from Scripture, prayers, and the Eucharist. Catholics believe that during the Eucharist, the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ, a doctrine known as transubstantiation. The Mass is celebrated daily in many churches, but Sunday Mass holds special significance as a communal day of worship.

2. Prayer and Devotion

Prayer is a vital part of Catholic life, and there are various forms of prayer, including individual, communal, liturgical, and contemplative. The Rosary, a series of prayers reflecting on the life of Christ and Mary, is one of the most popular devotions. Other devotions include novenas, or nine-day prayers, and the Stations of the Cross, a meditation on Jesus’ path to crucifixion.

3. Observances and Feasts

The Catholic Church observes several important liturgical seasons, including Advent, Lent, and Easter. Feast days honoring Jesus, Mary, and the saints are celebrated throughout the year, with Christmas and Easter being the most prominent.

Catholic Social Teaching and Global Influence

The Catholic Church has a long tradition of social teaching, emphasizing the dignity of the human person, the importance of community, and a commitment to justice and peace. Key themes of Catholic social teaching include the preferential option for the poor, stewardship of the environment, and the defense of human rights.

Globally, the Catholic Church operates thousands of schools, hospitals, and charitable organizations, serving both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Through entities like Caritas Internationalis, the Church is involved in humanitarian efforts, advocating for the marginalized and responding to crises worldwide. Popes often use their influence to speak out on social, environmental, and ethical issues, promoting peace and dialogue among nations.

Roman Catholicism Today

Today, Roman Catholicism faces numerous challenges, including secularization, declining church attendance in some regions, and a range of internal and external criticisms. In response, the Church has engaged in efforts to adapt while staying true to its teachings. Recent popes, especially Pope Francis, have emphasized mercy, outreach to the marginalized, and interfaith dialogue, seeking to make the Church relevant in a changing world.

At the same time, Catholicism continues to grow in regions like Africa and Latin America, where vibrant communities are keeping the faith alive. The future of Catholicism may involve new ways of engaging believers and adapting practices to local cultures while preserving its ancient traditions.


According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Roman Catholicism is a complex and influential tradition rooted in ancient Christian teachings, with a global presence and rich heritage of faith, doctrine, and social engagement. From the sacraments and papal authority to its commitment to social justice, Roman Catholicism continues to shape the lives of millions. While the Church faces modern challenges, its foundational beliefs and practices provide continuity for believers in a rapidly changing world. Whether viewed through the lens of history, theology, or global impact, Roman Catholicism remains a powerful force in the landscape of world religions.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Nostradamus predicting about the Roman Catholic Church and the Antichrist

Michel de Nostredame, known as Nostradamus, remains one of history’s most enigmatic figures. Born in 1503 in France, he is best known for his cryptic quatrains published in "Les Prophéties," a collection of predictions that have fascinated and confounded readers for centuries. Among the many topics attributed to Nostradamus are his supposed prophecies about the Roman Catholic Church and the rise of an Antichrist. These predictions have fueled speculation, particularly among those interested in eschatology—the study of the end times. But what do Nostradamus’s writings really say, and how have they been interpreted in relation to the Church and the Antichrist?

Nostradamus and His Prophecies: Context and Style

Before delving into specific interpretations, it is crucial to understand the nature of Nostradamus’s writings. His quatrains are written in an intentionally vague and allegorical style, employing an archaic mix of French, Latin, Greek, and Provençal. This ambiguity allows for multiple interpretations and has made his work a fertile ground for speculation. Nostradamus himself claimed to use a combination of astrology, historical knowledge, and divine inspiration to craft his predictions.

Critics argue that Nostradamus’s quatrains are so open-ended that they can be retrofitted to almost any event. Supporters, however, maintain that his prophecies offer uncanny insights into future events, including the fate of the Roman Catholic Church and the emergence of an Antichrist figure.

The Roman Catholic Church in Nostradamus’s Quatrains

The Roman Catholic Church, as one of the most enduring institutions in human history, often features in discussions of Nostradamus’s predictions. His writings allude to upheaval, corruption, and transformation within the Church. While Nostradamus never explicitly names the Church, several quatrains are interpreted as referring to it.

  1. Corruption and Decline:

    • One quatrain often cited in this context is Century 5, Quatrain 96:

      "The Religion of the name of the seas will win, Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif: The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid Of the two wounded by Aleph & Aleph."

      Some interpreters believe "the religion of the name of the seas" refers to the Catholic Church (linked to the papal title “Pontifex Maximus” and the maritime power of Rome). The quatrain’s mention of lamentation and fear is taken as a prophecy of internal struggles or scandals that could destabilize the Church.

  2. Persecution and Reform:

    • Century 2, Quatrain 41 reads:

      "The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff will change land."

      This quatrain has been interpreted as referring to dramatic changes in the papacy, potentially involving a shift in the Church’s political or spiritual direction. Some link it to historical moments, such as the Avignon Papacy, while others speculate it predicts future reforms or crises.

  3. A New Spiritual Leader?

    • Century 6, Quatrain 66 states:

      "At the foundation of the new sects, Will be scandals and schisms: Their foundation will be lowly established, Never was there such a horrible throne."

      This passage has been interpreted as predicting the rise of new factions within Christianity, possibly hinting at divisions within the Catholic Church itself. The "horrible throne" could symbolize a corrupt leader or an Antichrist figure infiltrating the Church.

Nostradamus and the Antichrist

The concept of the Antichrist is a prominent theme in Christian eschatology, rooted in biblical texts such as the Book of Revelation and the writings of St. Paul. Nostradamus’s quatrains have been linked to this figure, particularly in relation to global conflict, persecution, and moral decay.

  1. The Three Antichrists:

    • Many interpreters believe Nostradamus predicted not one but three Antichrists who would rise at different times in history. The first is often identified as Napoleon Bonaparte, the second as Adolf Hitler, and the third as a future figure yet to emerge.

    • Century 2, Quatrain 62 states:

      "Mabus will soon die, then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals: At once one will see vengeance, One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass."

      "Mabus" is one of the most debated names in Nostradamus’s quatrains. Some speculate it refers to the third Antichrist, whose death will trigger widespread chaos. Others argue it could symbolize a broader event or entity rather than an individual.

  2. Connection to the Church:

    • Some interpretations suggest that the third Antichrist will have ties to the Roman Catholic Church, either as an infiltrator or as someone who exploits religious divisions for power. This aligns with fears of a "false prophet" mentioned in Revelation, who works alongside the Antichrist to deceive the faithful.

  3. A Global Catastrophe:

    • Century 8, Quatrain 77 reads:

      "The third Antichrist very soon annihilated, Twenty-seven years his war will last: The heretics are dead, captives exiled, Blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth."

      This quatrain describes a prolonged period of war and suffering, often linked to the reign of the third Antichrist. The mention of "heretics" and religious imagery ties this prophecy to the Church’s potential role in end-times conflict, whether as a victim or as an institution embroiled in turmoil.

Interpretations and Critiques

The supposed predictions of Nostradamus have been subject to wide-ranging interpretations, with many projecting contemporary fears and events onto his quatrains. Skeptics argue that Nostradamus’s writings are so vague and metaphorical that they can be applied to almost any historical event or figure. They caution against overreading or drawing definitive conclusions.

For example, the "Bent Cross" carried by certain Popes has been interpreted by conspiracy theorists as a sign of corruption or satanic influence within the Church. These claims often draw on Nostradamus’s quatrains, even though no direct connection exists. Such theories highlight the dangers of reading Nostradamus’s writings without historical or textual rigor.

Nostradamus’s Legacy

Whether one views Nostradamus as a prophetic visionary or a clever wordsmith, his work has undeniably captured the imagination of generations. His quatrains about the Catholic Church and the Antichrist continue to resonate, particularly in times of social or religious upheaval. For some, they serve as warnings of impending doom; for others, they are mere curiosities of historical literature.

The Roman Catholic Church itself does not recognize Nostradamus as a prophet, nor does it endorse interpretations of his writings that suggest divine revelation. From a theological perspective, the Church’s teachings on the Antichrist and eschatology are rooted in Scripture and Tradition, not in speculative texts like "Les Prophéties."


Nostradamus’s cryptic quatrains offer fertile ground for speculation about the Roman Catholic Church and the Antichrist. While some find his predictions compelling, others dismiss them as vague and open to misinterpretation. Ultimately, the significance of Nostradamus lies not in the accuracy of his prophecies but in their ability to spark discussion and reflection on enduring themes of faith, power, and human destiny.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Glimpses of the future: Events linking Catholicism, Zionism and Shiism with the Antichrist (The Arabic Ad-Dajjal)

The Antichrist in person will unite Shiites, Catholics and Zionists worldwide under his dominion

Iran, Vatican and Israel together with Socialist-Communist block countries will be the new Global Superpower surpassing the US and the UK, to be led by the Antichrist

The new Antichrist Superpower will invade the whole globe, country after country, city by city, leading to planet's greatest holocaust of those opposing authority of the Beast

The future Antichrist Superpower will be global expansion of Greater Israel and Shiite Crescent, as well as global expansion of the new Persian Empire (Iran and Iraq) and the New Roman Empire (the EU)

The Antichrist will first appear as The Twelth Imam of the Shiites in Isfahan, Iran within Iranian Jews there and subsequently enter Israel to be crowned as Moshiach of the Zionists and later on accepted by many Zionist Jews worldwide. He will eventually take over The Holy See and rule Vatican as The Christ (the Biblical Antichrist) together with the Last Pope, Petrus Romanus; repeating the bloody Inquisition of innocent humanity on a global scale. Shiites and Catholics will unite as one brotherhood together with Zionists under the Antichrist

The Beast will impersonate Christ in many ways and finally claim to be Allah Himself (Arabic: الله, Hebrew: אלה‎), holding his own Day of Judgement, whilst deceiving mankind with images of Paradise and Hell

The researcher is certain that Allah of Shiites, Catholics and Zionists differs from Allah of all the Messengers, from Adam to Muhammad. Allah of the former can manifest himself as human on earth, whilst Allah The Creator of the Universe can only be seen with physical eyes in the Next World. The Antichrist in the midst of his Day of Judgement will enslave humanity to accept him as Allah. Please read Return of Allah: Shiite Muslims in Iraq

In summary, the Antichrist will initially claim to be The Twelth Imam, and then Moshiach and Christ, then Son of Allah and eventually Allah Himself!

The Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to recite the first ten verses of Surah Al-Kahf of the Quran as protection from tribulations of the Antichrist. It is the most vital chapter of the Quran in relations to the end-times; in it are signs pertaining to ZulqarnainGog and Magog and Youth of the Cave

The researcher is certain that the Antichrist will imitate Zulqarnain in establishing his future empire, starting from Iran and Israel, moving towards Asia and finally other parts of the world

From research, it is probable that Zulqarnain of the Quran is the historical Cyrus the Great, whose Persian empire was the largest empire ever existed on the surface of the earth. Please read Words of Cyrus the Great in the Bible and Cyrus the Great in the Qur'an

The New Cyrus will reestablish the Persian empire and expand it to the pride of many Iranians and Zoroastrians. It is amazing to note that during the ancient time, Cyrus the Great was held as Moshiach by many Jews for centuries although he was not Jewish by ethnicity, and the avenue where he permitted the Jews of Iran to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem was in the heart of Isfahan, the place where the Prophet Muhammad prophesied the Antichrist to emerge before his global conquest

The future Cyrus (the Antichrist) will first strengthen Iran acting as The Twelth Imam, and after being accepted as Moshiach by Israel, Jews and Zionists worldwide (just like the ancient Cyrus himself was accepted as Moshiach by the ancient Jews), he will finally launch his Global Revolution from Jerusalem to establish his New World Order and authoritarian supremacy, until the second advent of the Christ Jesus

The Antichrist will direct his Shiite followers to put the whole Islamic nation under his dominion, whilst his Catholic followers are directed to force the whole Christendom to worship him as Christ, his followers amongst the feminists will be commanded to lure many innocent women into his Way, and finally his Zionist followers will take the task of invading the whole globe, even at the cost of destroying the present superpower, the United States of America. He will corrupt the teachings of Islam and ultimately destroy Christianity itself. He will emerge at the time when Shiism is accepted by the Islamic World as an authentic sect of Islam; many Sunnis will either embrace Shiism or believe many of the lies propagated by Shiite scholars. Shiism will be dominant in the Muslim world at the time of the Antichrist

The researcher if of the opinion that both St. Paul and Abdullah Ibn Saba had been agents of the Antichrist to destroy Islam of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad from within

Shiite fundamentalists including those of Hizbullah and Sadr Army will join Christian Fundamentalists and Zionist terrorists as well as Communist and Socialist revolutionaries worldwide, in conquering the whole world, under leadership of terror of the Antichrist

The Antichrist will be a Sephardic Jew in ethnicity, but will claim himself via deception to be an Arab, a Persian and a Roman too, relating his ancestry to Household of the Prophet Muhammad, the last Emperor of the Persian Empire (under the Sassanid Dynasty) and finally descendant of Saint Peter; reputed to be Founder of the Catholic Church

The Beast will have perfect command of Hebrew, Arabic, Persian and Latin languages. His rise to world power will be made easy by support of his Jewish followers from Euro-Jews or the Ashkenazic Jews, who according to the author of The Thirteenth Tribe, were descendants of the Khazars, converts to Judaism en masse in 740 ADThere will occur massacre of the Arabs, (except the Shiite Arabs) in the whole Middle East, by joint efforts of the Iranians and the Israelis. The Persians and the Jews had always been hostile towards the Arabs. Please read this excerpt from Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States

The Shiite Arabs are descendants of the Prophetic Kharijites who abandoned Ali, but eventually infiltrated Party of Ali as a disguise; all were and are still loyal followers of the Jew, Abdullah Ibn Saba

At the time of the Antichrist, Shiism will undergo tremendous changes in creed and jurisprudence, as then the Antichrist (acting as The Twelth Imam) will re-Judaize it to conform more to the Talmud. He will also bring his version of the Quran and destroy copies of the present Quran. The long occultation of The Twelth Imam is already leading to gradual annihilation of the Shiite Islamic syariah, just waiting for the conducive time for The Twelth Imam to partially or completely destroy the remaining syariah of the Shiites

The Antichrist acting as The Twelth Imam will attempt to invade Makkah and Madinah with his Shiite fanatics but will be halted by angels guarding both cities. He will make claim as the Promised Divine Saviour to every existing religion of his day, and will seek to unite them under One Global Religion just like Bahaism

The researcher is certain that the original Gog and Magog are located within the ranks of the present day Ashkenazic Jews, who had been pioneers of World Zionism, forefathers of Greater Israel and occupiers of The White House and thus the greatest Superpower today, the United States of America

Pasdaran, an intelligence agency and vanguard of the 'Islamic' Revolution founded during Khomeini's rule will merge with Mossad, a notorious Israeli espionage organization during the 40 day governance of the Antichrist, of which the first day will be lengthened to the time equal to that of a year

The Great Depression of 1929 will recur throughout the whole United States (during the global theocratic rule of the Antichrist and his followers among rabbis, priests and ayatollahs), leading to millions of people jobless and homeless, and countless corporations and businesses closed, and eventually collapse of the stock market and the entire American currency and economy

According to Nostradamus in The Nostradamus Code: World War III, American supremacy will be reduced, and for the first time in world history, the world will be invaded by a single man i.e. the Antichrist

The Hojjatieh Society of Iran, Society of Jesus of The Holy See and The Knights Templars (now known as Freemasonry) pave the way for the Antichrist to emerge on the global scene, having powerful alliance behind the scene

The Antichrist will deceive the unitarian believers among Muslims, Jews and Christians via logic and magic. He will be an amazing logician and philosopher (interesting to note that the best minds in logic and philosophy had always been Persian and Jewish), and superior magician and cabalist, mastering the arts and science of Kabbalah. He will be the most superior logician and magician of his day, throughout the whole world

The Beast's emergence will witness the rise of many debaters, liars, magicians and terrorists committing crimes in the names of God and Justice

The Antichrist is the Father of Terror and Pioneer of Terrorism, and had been behind acts of terror of terrorist organizations like Hizbullah (as in Shabra Shatila Massacre), Mossad (as in September 11) and Freemasonry (as in the French Revolution)

The King of the Jews is the New World Messiah of the New World Order

Blogs created by Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah:
Antichrist And Shiism
Antichrist And Catholicism
Antichrist And Zionism

Books to be released by Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah:
World Shiism Agenda
World Catholicism Agenda
World Zionism Agenda

Visitors can surf:
Anti-Zionist Jews
Books on Freemasonry from Harun Yahya for Alburr
Islam and Freemasonry
Free Apocalypse Library for Alburr